Magos Kostas

Magos Kostas
Academic Rank: Associate Professor
Field of Study: Intercultural Education
Telephone Number: +30 24210 74576
Kostas Magos is a graduate of the Department of Electrical Engineering of the National Technical University of Athens and the Pedagogical Department of Primary Education of the University of Athens. He holds a PhD from the Department of Preschool Education at the University of Athens.
His research interests concern the intercultural dimension of education, the school and social inclusion of students belonging to ethnocultural minorities, the development of intercultural educational material and the use of storytelling as a means of approaching diversity. His favorite activity is writing books for children.
Last indicative publications:
- Magos, K. (2018). The neighbor’s folktales. Developing intercultural competence through folktales and stories. Bookbird. A Journal of International Children’s Literature, 56 (2), 28-35.
- Magos, K. (2018) Like flying birds. Raising candidate teachers’ intercultural competence of refugee identity. Education Journal of the University of Patras Unesco Chair, 5 (2), 35-42.
- Magos, K. & Margaroni M. (2018) The importance of educating refugees. Editorial. Global Education Review, 5 (4), 1-6.
- Magos, K. (2019). Transforming the identity of the enemy in pre-school children. A case study in a Greek kindergarten. International e-journal of educational studies (IEJES), 3 (5), 39-46.
- Magos, K. & Margaroni, M. (2018) (Eds) Education and refugee identity, Global Education Review, 5 (4), /view/35
- Magos, K. (2019). Walking together. In L. Viglas, K. Magos, C. Alexopoulos (Eds). Walking together: Intercultural routes in the city of Volos with the participation of young refugees from ARSIS, students from the University of Thessaly and students from the Second Chance School of Volos. Volos: Palmos Editions.
- Magos, K. & Kremmydiotou, S. (2020). Playing with imaginary companion. A case study from Greece. In I. Castro and J. Clark (Eds). Walking in other worlds. Fantastical journeys of children’s agency. NY: Rowman and Littlefield.
- Magos, K. & Kalopita, K. (2020). Diversity in Early Childhood Education Through Parents’ Perceptions. RIELS Journal, 1 (2), 235-245.