
According to Law 1268/82 Articles 24, 25, Law 2083/92 Article 9, Law 2188/94, Article 1, the following are in order:
- Each academic year begins on the 1st of September and ends on the 31st of August the following year.
- Each academic year is divided into two Semesters (Autumn and Spring).
- Each Semester includes at least 13 weeks of teaching as well as the prescribed number of weeks for examinations. The examination periods are three: (a) January-February: 2 weeks, (b) June: 2 weeks and (c) September3 weeks.
- Classes begin on the third week of September in the Autumn Semester and end on the third week of June in the Spring Semester.
- If, for whatever reason, by the end of a Semester, the number of a module’s classes that have taken place is smaller than the 4/5 of the number acquired by the Undergraduate Studies Programme, the particular module is considered not taught.
- The Department is authorized to design and implement the Undergraduate Studies Programme, which is revised every April.
- In the beginning of each Semester, students fill in electronically the relevant forms with their chosen modules and submit them to the Registrar of the Department.
- Every module corresponds to a number of ECTS credits.
- If a student fails to pass a Compulsory module, he or she has to repeat it in the next academic year.
- If a student fails to pass an Elective, he or she will have to either repeat it in one of the following Semesters or replace it with another Elective.
- Students complete their studies and obtain their degree when they pass all the modules required and collect the correspondent number of 240 ECTS credits. The marking process is directed by ministerial decree (Law 1674/86, Article 4. §3, and the Ministerial Decision Β3/2166/17/6/87, as complemented by the later Ministerial Decision Β3/ 245/7.11.88).
- The minimum duration of Undergraduate Studies in the Department is four (4) years.
- Attendance and successful performance in the examination of 18 Compulsory modules (108 ECTS credits).
- Attendance and successful examination of 20 Electives (100 ECTS credits).
- Attendance of 1 Seminar (5 ECTS credits).
- Attendance of 2 compulsory Foreign Language modules (6 ECTS credits).
- Attendance of 2 compulsory tutorials in Academic Writing (6 ECTS credits).
- Participation in the Practicum, which is supported by an additional Seminar (15 ECTS credits)
Students have to select 240 ECTS credits in order to obtain their degree.
Supplementary Document attached to the Degree
An explanatory document is attached to the Degree, which lists all the additional activities the graduate undertook during his/her studies, such as the attendance of seminars, voluntary work, etc.