Day One in Europe
Funding: Erasmus+ Κοιν.Σ.Επ. ΣυνΚοινΩ (synkoino coop)
Start Date: 01/2020
End Date: 12/2023
Research collaborator: Martha Katsaridou
“Communication in the native language” is one of the European Union’s key competences for lifelong learning. Based on the intercultural model of managing diversity and promoting interaction, mutual respect and cultural exchange between cultural and social groups, the program explores specific research areas that can facilitate and empower foreign language students (6-11 years old) and their families (migrants, refugees) during their first stay in the host countries. The research fields of the Belgian, French, Italian, Irish, Maltese and Greek partners are the following: cooking and food, singing, correspondence and play. To be produced: LUNCH BOX, MUSIC BOX, MAIL BOX, PLAYING BOX and LANGUAGE BOX.