Sounoglou Marina

Sounoglou Marina
Academic Rank: Assistant Professor
Field of Study: Pedagogy in Early Childhood Education
Telephone Number: +30 24210 74292
Marina Sounoglou received her Bachelor in Pedagogy from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. She holds a postgraduate and doctoral degree from the University of Thessaly. Following that she did a PostDoc research relates to the reception of refugee students at school.
She has taught in undergraduate and post-graduate programs in different schools (Democritus University of Thrace, School of Pedagogical & Technological Education, University of Thessaly, Hellenic Open University).
She has published one book and she is the co-editor of another. Many of her research articles have been published in Greek and International scientific journals.
Her research interests focus on: Pedagogy theory, organization, implementation and evaluation of the education procedure, the role of educator, research of critical pedagogy issues, citizenship and childhood, issues of protection and rights of vulnerable groups.
She has participated in Greek and European conferences. She is a member of: Hellenic Educational Society (HES), Organisation Mondiale pour l’Éducation Préscolaire (OMEP), International Play Association (IPA).
She has participated in Greek and European financed research programs (HORIZON2020, ESF-AUTH)