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Kanellopoulos Panagiotis A.


Kanellopoulos Panagiotis A.

Academic Rank: Professor

Field of Study: Music Education

Telephone Number: +30 24210 06362



Panagiotis (Panos) A. Kanellopoulos received his M.A. and Ph.D. in Music Education from Reading University (UK). His research focuses on developing socio-cultural perspectives on children’s musical improvisation, on ethnographic approaches to young people’s musical creativity and on collective improvisation and composition as a form of socio-political musical practice. He has co-edited the volume Arts in Education, Education in the Arts (Nissos, 2010, in Greek), and more recently, The Routledge Handbook to the Sociology of Music Education (Routledgei, 2021) and has published articles in international publications and leading scholarly journals. He studied mandolin with Alison Stephens, and is regularly performing and recording both improvised and composed music in a variety of musical contexts. Panagiotis has led many experimental educational workshops that focus on collective free improvisation with variable forces, in a wide range of venues and contexts. He currently serves as Professor of Music Education at the University of Thessaly, Greece, and has been co-chair of ISPME (International Society for the Philosophy of Music Education) (2009-2013), co-organising the 10th International Symposium of the Society that was held in Columbia University, NY, in June 2013. As cite-chair of the Society, Panos hosted ISPME Symposium 11 at the University of Thessaly, June 4-10, 2017 (symposium website:






Referred journal articles  

  • Kanellopoulos, P. A. (in press). Countering reverse détournement: subversive vs. subsumptive creativity. Philosophy of Music Education Review,purposes%2C%20and%20cross%2Ddisciplinary%20dialogue
  • Abramo, J. , Allsup, R. E. , Benedict, C. , Kanellopoulos, P. A. (in press).Music Education in Times of Darkness: The Possibility of Resistance—An Introduction
  • Kanellopoulos, P. A. (2021). Studious play as an Archê of creative music-making: Repositing “the scandal of democracy” in music education. Action, Criticism, and Theory for Music Education 20 (2): 79–109 [pdf]
  • Siljamäki, E. & Kanellopoulos, P. A. (2020). Mapping visions of improvisation pedagogy in music education research. Research Studies in Music Education42(1), 113–139.
  • Kanellopoulos, P. Α. (2020). “Music education in an age of virtuality and post-truth” by Paul Woodford (review). Philosophy of Music Education Review28(1), 108-115.
  • Ferm-Almqvist, C. , Benedict, C. , Kanellopoulos, P.A. (2017). Pedagogical encounters in music: Thinking with Hannah Arendt. European Journal of Philosophy in Arts Education, 2(1), 1-48.
  • Kanellopoulos, P. Α. (2016). Problematizing (musical) knowledge–power relationships: a Rancièrian provocation. Philosophy of Music Education Review, 24(1),24-44.
  • Kanellopoulos, P. Α. & Nakou, I. (2015). Experimenting with sound, playing with culture: Collaborative composing as a means for creative engagement with the museum world. MuseumEdu: Εκπαίδευση και έρευνα σε πολιτισμικά περιβάλλοντα / Education and research in cultural environments1, 135-160
  • Kanellopoulos, P. Α. & Stefanou, D. (2015). Music beyond monuments: Re-imagining creative music engagement in the light of museum-based projects. MuseumEdu: Εκπαίδευση και έρευνα σε πολιτισμικά περιβάλλοντα / Education and research in cultural environments1, 37-64
  • Κανελλόπουλος, Π. Α. (2013). The role of improvisation in music education: the educative potential of the quest for (musical) freedom. Mousikopedagogika, Journal of the Greek Society for Music Education), 11, 5-43. [in Greek].
  • Kanellopoulos, P. Α. (2012). Response to R. Mantie’s “Bands and/as music education”: Antinomies and the struggle for legitimacy, Philosophy of Music Education Review20(1), 192-197.
  • Kanellopoulos, P. Α. (2012). Envisioning autonomy through improvising and composing: Castoriadis visiting creative music education practice. Educational Philosophy and Theory44(2), 151-182.
  • Kanellopoulos, P. Α. (2011). Freedom and responsibility in musical improvisation: A view from Bakhtin. Philosophy of Music Education Review19(2), 113-135.
  • Kanellopoulos, P. Α. (2011). C. Small and the subversion of canonic music education. Approaches: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Music Therapy3(2), 48-55, [in Greek]
  • Wright, R. & Kanellopoulos, P. A. (2010). Informal music learning, improvisation and teacher education. British Journal of Music Education27(1), 71-87.
  • Kanellopoulos, P. Α. (2010). Perspectives on the notion and the educational role of musical improvisation. Mousikos Logos, (Musicological Review of the Music Department of Ionian University9, 5-36. [in Greek]
  • Kanellopoulos, P. Α. (2007). Musical improvisation as action: An Arendtian perspective. Action, Criticism, and Theory for Music Education, 6(3), 97-127,
  • Kanellopoulos, P. Α. (2007). Children’s early reflections on improvised music-making as the wellspring of musico-philosophical thinking. Philosophy of Music Education Review15(2), 119-141.
  • Kanellopoulos, P. Α. (1999). Children’s conception and practice of musical improvisation. Psychology of Music27(2), 175-191.

Non peer reviewed article

  • Kanellopoulos, P. Α. (2000). ‘You are full of ears’: aspects of children’s meanings and practices of musical improvisation. Resonance, 8(1), 10-13. [issue editor: Eddie Prevost (AMM) – includes CD with examples from the author’s 1996 fieldwork]


Edited volumes

  • Wright, R. , Johansen, G. , Kanellopoulos, P. A. , & Schmidt. P. (Eds.) (2021). The Routledge handbook to the sociology of music education. New York: Routledge.
  • Kanellopoulos, P. Α. & Tsafraridis, Ν. (Eds.), (2010). Art in Education – Education in Art. Athens: Nissos. [in Greek].

Book chapters

  • Kanellopoulos, P. A. (2021). Cage(d): Creativity and ‘the contemporary’ in music education — a sociological view. In R. Wright, G. Johansen, P. A. Kanellopoulos & P. Schmidt (Eds.), The Routledge handbook to the sociology of music education. London: Routledge.
  • Wright, R. Johansen, G. , Kanellopoulos, P. A. & Schmidt, P. (2021). Introduction. In R. Wright, G. Johansen, P. A. Kanellopoulos & P. Schmidt (Eds.), The Routledge handbook to the sociology of music education. London: Routledge.
  • Kanellopoulos, P. A. (2021). Introduction to section 3: Crossing Borders – Problematising Assumptions. In R. Wright, G. Johansen, P. A. Kanellopoulos & P. Schmidt (Eds.), The Routledge handbook to the sociology of music education. London: Routledge.
  • Kanellopoulos, P. A. (in print). Revisiting notions of transgressive music education: Towards “a struggle on two fronts”. In R. E. Allsup and C. Benedict (Eds.), Becoming music education: On the contributions of music education philosopher Estelle Jorgensen. New York: Routledge.
  • Kanellopoulos, P. A. (2020). Doxa against dogma: a perspective on assessment in experimental music education practices. In T. Laes & L.Hautsalo (Eds.), Remarks on a visionary’s journey: An anthology in honor of Heidi Westerlund’s 60th anniversary (pp. 45-64). Helsinki:  Sibelius Academy Publications.
  • Kanellopoulos, P. A. & Barahanou, N. (2020). The neoliberal colonisation of creative music education in cultural institutions: A hatred of democracy? In Α. Kallio (Ed.), Difference and division in music education (pp. 144-162)London: Routledge.
  • Kanellopoulos, P. A. (2020). «Keeping connected, creative and calm»: on the biopolitics of creativity. In P. Kapola, G. Kouzelis, Ο. Konstandas (Eds.), Traces in/of moments of danger (σσ. 649-656). Athens: Nissos. [in Greek]
  • Kanellopoulos, P. A. (2019). Improvisation And/Or music education: A child’s upsetting clarity. In S. Young & B. Ilari, (Eds.), Music in early childhood: Multi-disciplinary perspectives and inter-disciplinary exchanges (pp. 253-274).  New York:  Springer.
  • Kanellopoulos, P. A. (2019). Rethinking the transgressive: A call for “pessimistic activism” in music education. In R. E. Allsup & C. Benedict (Eds.), The road goes ever on: Estelle Jorgensen’s legacy in music education (pp. 119-137). London, Ontario: Western University.
  • Kanellopoulos, P. A. (2019).  An ‘impossible’ place: The creative antinomies of Manos Hadjidakis’ modernism. In Dafni Tragaki (Ed.), Made in Greece: Studies in popular music (pp. 65-82). London: Routledge.
  • Kanellopoulos, P. A. Wright, R.  , Stefanou, D. , Lang, J. (2016). Pictures of ignorant freedom: Music improvisation and informal music pedagogy. In R. W. Wright, B. A. Younker and C. Beynon (Eds.), 21st Century Music Education: Informal Learning and Non-Formal Teaching Approaches in School and Community Contexts (pp. 187-205). Waterloo, ON: Canadian Music Educators’ Association (CMEA/ACME Biennial Book Series, Research to Practice, vol. 7).
  • Kanellopoulos, P. A. (2015). Musical creativity and ‘the police’: Troubling core music education certainties. In C. Benedict, P. Schmidt, G. Spruce, and P. Woodford (Eds.) The Oxford handbook of social justice in music education (pp. 318-339). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Kanellopoulos, P. A. (2015). Improvisation and music education. In X. Papapanagiotou (Ed.) Issues in Music Education [2nd revised edition] (pp. 239-264). Thessaloniki: GSME. [in Greek]
  • Kanellopoulos, P. A. & Wright, R. (2012). Improvisation as an informal music learning process: Implications for teacher education. In L. Väkevä & S. Karlsen (Eds.), Future prospects for music education: Corroborating informal learning pedagogy (pp. 129-157). Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
  • Kanellopoulos, P. A. (2011). In pursuit of musical freedom through free improvisation: A Bakhtinian provocation to music education. In J. White & M. Peters (Eds.), Bakhtinian pedagogy: Opportunities and challenges for research, policy and practice in education across the globe (pp. 91-116). Pieterlen: Peter Lang.
  • Kanellopoulos, P. A. & Papakonstantinou. G. (2011). Fragments of multimodal lived experience of the city: Creativity, transformation and re-contextualisation – comments on a musico-visual project. In M. A. Pourkos & E. Katsarou (Ed.), Lived Experience, Metaphor And Multimodality: Implications In Communication, Education, Learning And Knowledge  (pp. 286-304). Thessaloniki: Nisides.  [in Greek]
  • Kanellopoulos, P. A. (2010). Towards a Sociological perspective on researching children’s creative music making practices: an exercise in self-consciousness. In R. Wright (Ed.), Sociology and music education (pp. 115-138). London: Ashgate.
  • Kanellopoulos, P. A. (2010). Towards a pedagogy of free music improvisation. In P. Kanellopoulos & Ν. Tsaftaridis (Eds.), Art in Education-Education in Art (pp.119-146). Athens: Nissos. [in Greek]
  • Kanellopoulos P. , Tsaftaridis. Ν. (2010). Η Art in Education-Education in Art: An introduction. In P. Kanellopoulos & Ν. Tsaftaridis (Eds.), Art in Education-Education in Art (pp. 11-25). Athens: Nissos. [in Greek]
  • Kanellopoulos, P. A. (2010). Ethnography of Children’s Creative Music-making Practices: Methnodological Issues, Educational Implications. In M. Pourkos & M. Dafermos (Εds.), Qualitative Research in Psychology & Education: Epistemological, Methodological & Ethical Issues (pp. 511-538). Athens: Topos. [in Greek]
  • Kanellopoulos, P. A. (2009). Improvisation and music education. In X. Papapanagiotou (Ed.) Issues in Music Education (pp. 239-264). Thessaloniki: GSME. [in Greek]
  • Kanellopoulos, P. A. (2009). A sociocultural approach to the Study of Children’s Musical Creativity]. In M. Pourkos (Εd.), Art, Play, Narrative: Psychological and Educational Dimensions (pp. 311-355). Athens: Topos. [in Greek]
  • Kanellopoulos, P. A. (2008). The Oughtness of freedom: Sketching a Bakhtinian perspective on musical improvisation and its implications for music education. In Μ. Pourkos, (Ed.), Perspectives and limits of dialogism in Mikhail Bakhtin: Applications in psychology, art, education and culture (pp. 269-284). Rethymnon: Department of Preschool Education, School of Education, University of Crete.
  • Chronaki, Α. & Kanellopoulos, P. (2008). Performing beginnings, performing bodies. In Α. Chronaki (Ed.), Mathematics, technologies, education: The gender perspective (pp. 61-75). Volos: Thessaly University Press.

Published conference papers in referred conference proceedings

  • Kanellopoulos, P. A. (in review). Re-imagining music Pædeia in the age of machinic capitalism: A proposal「提案:重新想像机器式资本主义下的音乐教化(Pædeia)」[Translated by Liu Chiao-Wei]. In R. E. Allsup, Hu Xin, Liu Chiao-Wei, & Chen Shuhua (eds.), New directions for performance and music teacher education (Volumes 1 & 2): Proceedings from the symposium on university music education in China (2016), The Arts College of Xiamen University. Xiamen City, Fujian Province, China. Xiamen City: Xiamen University Press.
  • Kanellopoulos, P. A. & Stefanou, D. (2018).  Exercises in critical creativity: Free improvisation in education – reflecting on a workshop. In “Art & Education: Teaching and Pedagogical approaches in 21st Century School”» conference proceedingAthens: ΙΕP. [in Greek]
  • Avgoustaki, Ε., Kanellopoulos, P. A. , Leftherioti, Μ. ,  Koumoulentzou , Μ. , Athanasiou , Κ. & Zachos, D. A. (2015). Little ad(d) music: from museum artefacts to music creative acts. In G. Papakonstantinou, S. Alifragis, C. Papasarantou (Eds.), Proceedings of the museums in motion international conference, Volos 3-4/7/2015 (pp. 89-93).
  • Kanellopoulos, P. A. (2012). Music education and/as artistic activism: Music, Pædeia and the Politics of Aesthetics. Proceedings of the 30th ISME (International Society for Music Education) World Conference Music Paedeia: From the Ancient Greek Philosophers to Contemporary Global Music Communities, Thessaloniki, 15-20 July 2012.
  • Kanellopoulos, P. A. (2011). Cage’s short visit to the classroom: Experimental music in music education – A sociological view on a radical move. Στο J. O’Flynn (Ed.), Proceedings of the 6th international symposium on the sociology of music education, held at Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick, Ireland, 5th – 9th July 2009.
  • Kanellopoulos, P. A. (2010). Experimental music in music education: Promises and conflicts. Στο C. Tsougras, D. Stefanou & K. Chardas (Επιμ.), Proceedings of the international conference Beyond the centres: Musical avant-Gardes since 1950, Thessaloniki, Greece, 1-3 July 2010,
  • Kanellopoulos, P. A.  (2008). ‘For us it is important, but to other people it might seem foolish’: Conceptualizing ‘child music’. In B. A. Roberts (ed.), Sociological explorations: Proceedings of the 5th international symposium on the sociology of music education (pp. 217-236). St. John’s, Newfoundland: The Binder’s Press. Also available at:

