Chronaki Anna

Chronaki Anna
Academic Rank: Professor
Field of Study: Mathematics Education and Learning Technologies
Telephone Number: +30 24210 74749
Anna Chronaki works at the University of Thessaly in Greece. and holds a chair at the University of Malmö in Sweden. She has studied mathematics at the University of Patras in Greece and has undertaken her postgraduate studies in educational technology and mathematics education at the University of Bath in the UK with scholarships from the Greek State Scholarship Foundation and the Esther Parkin Trust. Her research evolves around philosophical, anthropological and political issues of mathematics education and works with theories from cultural studies, discourse theory and philosophy of scientific knowledge. Her current research interests include discursive and non-discursive aspects of the pedagogy of mathematics including corporeality, body, identity, affect and language-use in processes of learning, An important part of her work focuses on studying mathematics learning as a matter of dialogicality and as a space for hybridising or queering essentialist identities, hegemonic discourses and political issues of (non)citizenship. She values as important her work with student-teachers. Her work has been published in national and international journals, edited volumes and conference proceedings. She has edited two books, one of which entitled ‘Challenging Perspectives in Mathematics Communication’ has been published in 2005 from IAP (Information Age Publishing Inc. USA) and the second one with the title ‘Mathematics, Technologies, Education: The gender perspective’ by the University of Thessaly Press. She has considerable experience with funded research projects and has been active with the international community ‘Mathematics, Education and Society’ and has organised the MES 9 at the University of Thessaly She has also worked for CERME in the Thematic Groups Mathematics & Language (until 2016) and the Social, Cultural and Political Aspects of Mathematics Education (until now). Over the years she has developed and organised the research unit LeTME: Learning Teachnologies and Mathematics Education.
Edited Books and Monography
- V. Walkerdine. 2013. Αποκλείοντας τα Κορίτσια: Κορίτσια και μαθηματικά. Αθήνα. Εκδόσεις Gutenberg Publications. (επιμέλεια μετάφρασης του βιβλίου της Valerie Walkerdine: Counting Girls Out: girls and mathematics).
- Anna Chronaki. 2009. (ed.). ‘Mathematics, Technologies, Education: The gender perspective’. University of Thessaly Press. (175 pages) ISBN – 978-960-8029-88-0
- Anna Chronaki and Iben Maj Christiansen (eds) (2005) ‘Challenging Perspectives in Mathematics Communication’. Information Age Publishing Inc. USA. Paperback ΙSBN-1-59311-151-7, Hardcover ΙSBN-1-59311-152-5 (371 pages).
- Anna Chronaki. 1998. The Epistemology of Constructivism in Mathematics Education. Internal Publication. School of Education. University of Bath. Bath. (50 σελίδες).
Selected Publications
- Dafermos, M, Chronaki, A and Kontopodis, M (2020) Cultural-historical Activity Theory Travels to Greece: Actors, Contexts and Politics of Reception and Interpretation. Cultural-Historical Psychology. 2020. Vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 33-41 DOI:
- Chronaki, A. (2019) Affective bodying of mathematics, children and difference: choreographing ‘sad affects’ as affirmative politics in early mathematics teacher education. ZDM Mathematics Education 51, 319–330.
- Delacour, L. and Chronaki, A. (2019). The Discursive Fabrication of the Desired Child in Early Childhood Mathematics Education in Philosophy of Mathematics Education Journal. No 35. (ISSN 1465-2978)
- Chronaki, A., Planas, N. (2018) Language diversity in mathematics education research: a move from language as representation to politics of representation. ZDM Mathematics Education 50, 1101–1111.
- Chronaki, A. (2018) Racism as Gazing Bodies: From ‘body-color’ epistemology to epistemic violence A response to: Danny Martin: Not-so-strange bedfellows. Philosophy of Mathematics Education Journal. No 34. ISSN 1465-2978 (Online)
- Chronaki, A., Kollosche, D. (2018) Refusing mathematics: a discourse theory approach on the politics of identity work. ZDM Mathematics Education 51, 457–468 (2019).
- Segerby, C. & Chronaki, A. (2018). Primary students’ participation in mathematical reasoning: Coordinating reciprocal teaching and systemic functional linguistics to support reasoning in the Sweden. EDeR: Educational Design Research, 2 (1), 1-32.
- Chronaki, A. (2018) “The Unbearable Lightness of Dis|appearing Mathematics: Or, life and reason for the citizen at times of crisis”, The Mathematics Enthusiast: Vol. 15: No1, Article 3. Available at:
- Straehler-Pohl, H., Bagger, A., Black,L., Chronaki, A., and Kollosche, D. (2019). Introduction to the work of TWG10: Diversity and Mathematics Education: Social, Cultural and Political Challenges In. Jankvist, T.U., van den Heuvel-Panhuizen, M., Veldhuis, M. (Eds.) proceedings of CERME 11 (1819 -1831). Utrecht.
- Chronaki (2017). MES 9 Conference Publication Proceedings. University of Thessaly Press. Volos. ISBN: 978-960-9439-48-0 vol 1:pp. 1-348 and 978-960-9439-49-7 vol 2: pp. 349-1023.
- Chronaki, A. (2015). The ‘street’, the ‘body’ and the ‘move: A hybrid space design for knowledge urban circulation. In I. Theona and D. Charitos (eds). Hybrid City 2015: Data to the People. (pp. 353-360).
- Planas, N., Chronaki, A., Ronning, F., & Schutte, M. (2015). Challenges and research priorities in the context of TWG09: Mathematics and Language. K. Krainer & N. Vondrová (Eds.), Proceedings CERME 9 (1318- 1324). Prague
- Pechtelidis, Y., Kosma, Y., Chronaki, A. (2015). Between a rock and a hard place: Women and computer technology. Gender and Education. Vol. 27, Issue 2, pages 164-182
- Chronaki, A. (2015) Recrafting Mathematical Subjectivity: bodies, movement, affect. 8th International Deleuze Studies Conference: Daughters of Chaos: Practice, Discipline, A Life. Stockholm: Architecture Dept.
- Chronaki, A. (2015). Mathematics With/in the Museum: London, Paris and New York. MuseumEd: Education and Research in Cultural Environments. Vol. 1, pp. 89-113.
- Chronaki, A., Moutzouri, G., and Magos, K. (2015). ‘Number in Cultures’ as a Playful Outdoor Activity: Making space for critical mathematics education in the early years. In U. Gellert, J.G. Rodriguez, C. Hahn, & S.Kafousi (Eds.). Educational Paths to Mathematics: A C.I.E.A.E.M. sourcebook. Dordrecht: Springer. pp143-160.
- Chronaki, A. & Kynigos, C. (2015). Humor as a humble way to access the complexity of knowledge construction. Open Peer Commentary on ‘Amusement, Delight, and Whimsy: Humor has its reasons that reason can’t ignore’ by E. K. Ackerman. Constructivist Foundations. Vol 10, No3, pp. 416-7.
- Chronaki, A. and Matos, A. (2013) Integrating Technology into Teaching: Τeachers’ Narratives about Desiring/Resisting Identity Change.In Learning, Media and Technology. Vol. 38, Issue 5. pp. 1-19.
- Chronaki, A. and Y. Pechtelidis. 2012. ‘Being Good’ at Maths. Fabricating Gender Subjectivity. In REDIMAT: Journal for Research in Mathematics Education. Vol. 1, No. 3. pp. 246-277.
- Chronaki, Α. and G. Mountzouri. 2012. Playing with Numbers in Cultures: Beginning to Trouble Essentialist Views of Mathematical Knowledge re – production. Special Issue Edited by Benedetto Di Paola & Javier Diez-Palomar. In Journal Quaderni di Ricerca in Didatticca (Mathematics). Issue 22 (July 2012). pp.90-95.
- Chronaki, Α. 2012. Women in relation to school techonology and mathematics: reading hegemonic discourses via “cyborgs” and “subalterns”. Special Issue Edited by Benedetto Di Paola & Javier Diez-Palomar. In Journal Quaderni di Ricerca in Didatticca (Mathematics). Issue 22 (July 2012). pp.156-161.
- Chronaki, A. 2011. ‘“Troubling” Essentialist Identities: Performative Mathematics and the Politics of Possibility’. In M. Kontopodis, C. Wulf, and B. Fichtner. (eds) Children, Development and Education: Cultural, Historical and Anthropological Perspectives. Spinger Science. The Series: International Perspectives on Early Childhood Education and Development, pp. 207-227.
- Chronaki, A. 2011. Disrupting development as the quality/equity discourse: Cyborgs and subalterns in school technoscience. In B. Atweh, M. Graven, W. Secada and P. Valero (eds.). Mapping equity and quality in mathematics education. Dordrecht. Springer, pp. 3-21.
- Chronaki, A. 2010. Revisiting mathemacy: A process-reading of critical mathematics education. In H. Alro, O. Ravn and P. Valero (eds) Critical Mathematics Education: Past, Present and Future. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers, pp. 31-50.
- Chronaki, A. 2009. Technoscience in the ‘body’ of Education: Knowledge and Gender politics in A. Chronaki. (ed). Mathematics, Technologies, Education: The gender perspective. University of Thessaly Press, pp. 7-27.
- Chronaki, A. 2009. An Entry to Dialogicality in the Maths Classroom: Encouraging Hybrid Learning Identities In M. César and K. Kumpulainen (eds.) Social Interactions in Multicultural Settings. Sense Publishers Press, pp. 117-143.
- Chronaki, Α. 2008. ‘Sciences entering the ‘body’ of education: Women’s experiences and masculine domains of knowledge’. In M. Chionidou-Moskofoglou, A. Blunk, R. Sierpinska, Y. Solomon, R. Tanzberger (eds) Promoting Equity in Maths Achievement: The Current discussion. The University of Barcelona Press, pp. 97-110.
- Chronaki, A. 2008. ‘Troubling’ School Maths: the teaching experiment as a possibility to dialogicality. In M. Pourkos (ed.). Perspectives and Limits of Dialogism in Mikhail Bakhtin: Applications in Psychology, Art, Education and Culture. University of Crete publishing series. Rethymnon, pp. 213-231.
- Chronaki, A. 2004. Researching the school mathematics culture of ‘others’- Creating a self-other dialogue. In P. Valero and R. Zevenbergen (Eds.). Researching the Socio-Political Dimensions of Mathematics Education: Issues of power in theory and methodology. Kluwer Academic Publishers. Netherlands. pp. 145-165. ΙSBN 1-4020-7906
- Vekiri, I. and Chronaki, A. 2008. Gender Issues in technology use: Perceived social support, computer self-efficacy and value beliefs, and computer use beyond school. In Computers and Education. Vol. 51, Issue 3, pp. 1392-1404.
- Chronaki, A. 2005 Learning about ‘learning identities” in the school arithmetic practice: The experience of two young minority Gypsy girls in the Greek context of education. In the European Journal of Psychology of Education: Special Issue on “The Social Mediation of Learning in Multiethnic Classrooms” Guest Editors: Guida de Abreu and Ed Elbers. Vol. XX, no 1, pp. 61-74.
- Chronaki, A. 2000. Teaching maths through theme-based resources: Pedagogic style, ‘theme’ and ‘maths’ in lessons. Educational Studies in Mathematics. Vol. 42. pp 141-163.
- Chronaki, A. 2000. Visions of school mathematics curriculum and maths teacher education programs: In search of a discourse? (translated in French by Stephane Lacroix and Daniel Martin) [Periodique Publie par l’ Association Canadiene d’ Education de Langue Francaise. (ACELF): Education et Francophonie: Revue Scientific Virtuelle. Vol. XXVIII, No.2, automne-hiver 2000. pp. 121-147 (
Selected publications – in greek
- Χρονάκη, A. 2012. Η επίλυση αριθμητικών προβλημάτων ως τόπος παραγωγής ετερότητας. Eπιθεώρηση Κοινωνικών Ερευνών, 137-138 Α’-Β’, 2012, 173-200.
- Χρονάκη, Α. 2012. Δημιουργώντας ρήγματα σε κυρίαρχους Λόγους περί ανάπτυξης: κυβερνοργανισμοί και υπάλληλα υποκείμενα στη σχολική τεχνοεπιστήμη. Στο Σ. Αθανασοπούλου-Κυπρίου, Π. Βουτσινά κ.α. (επιμ.) Να κοιτάς με άλλα μάτια να βλέπεις διαφορετικά. Αθήνα. Εκδόσεις Σχολής Μωραίτη. σελ. 91-129
- Χρονάκη, Α. 2012. Το ‘δικαίωμα’ στο δικαίωμα εκπαίδευσης: ο απόηχος ενός εθνογραφικού πειράματος για τα σχολικά μαθηματικά. Στο Α. Λυδάκη (επιμ.). Κοινωνικές Ανισότητες στην Ελλάδα: H περίπτωση των Ρομά. Αθήνα. Αλεξάνδρεια (επιμέλεια σειράς: Iορδάνης Ψημμένος). σελ. 105-131
- Χρονάκη, Α. 2010. Το Διδακτικό Πείραμα: H ποιοτική μελέτη της μαθησιακής διαδικασίας στο πλαίσιο της διδακτικής πράξης. Στο Μ. Πουρκός και Μ. Δαφέρμος (επιμ.) Ποιοτική Έρευνα στην Ψυχολογία και στην Εκπαίδευση: Επιστημολογικά, μεθοδολογικά και ηθικά ζητήματα. Αθήνα. Τόπος, σελ. 605-628.
- Xρονάκη, Α. 2009. Φύλο και Μαθηματικά. Λήμμα για το ηλεκτρονικό λεξικό ΦυλοΠαιδεία (fylopedia).Φύλο_και_μαθηματικά (11 σελ.)
- Στάμου, Α., Χρονάκη. Α., και Ζιώγα, Α. 2007. Επιστημονικοί Λόγοι και Έμφυλες Αναπαραστάσεις στο Σχολικό Μαθηματικό Περιοδικό Ευκλείδης Α. Στο Έρευνα στη Διδακτική των Μαθηματικών. Τεύχος 1. σελ. 63-89.
- Στάμου, Α. και Χρονάκη, Α. 2007. Πως γράφονται τα σχολικά μαθηματικά: επιστημονικοί λόγοι και έμφυλες διαστάσεις στα κείμενα του περιοδικού Ευκλείδης Α. Στο Κριτική Επιστήμη και Εκπαίδευση. Τεύχος 5, σελ. 25- 45.
- Χρονάκη, Α. 2006. Η πρό(σ)κληση της γεωμετρίας και της τεχνολογίας στις μικρές ηλικίες: To ‘μέσο’ και το ‘μήνυμα’ του συστήματος άτομα-τεχνολογία-δραστηριότητα. Θέματα στην Εκπαίδευση. 7 (1), σελ. 23-51.
- Χρονάκη, Α. και Στεργίου Ε. 2005. Ο υπολογιστής στην τάξη του νηπιαγωγείου: Οι προτιμήσεις των παιδιών και η πρόσβαση σε υπολογιστές και τεχνογνωσία. Διδασκαλία των Φυσικών Επιστημών: Έρευνα και Πράξη. Τεύχος 13, σελ. 46-54.
- Χρονάκη, Α. 2000. Συνεργασία μαθητών σε ομάδες: Mια προσέγγιση από την σκοπιά των εκπαιδευτικών. Σύγχρονη Εκπαίδευση. Αθήνα. Τεύχος 112, σελ. 38-49.