
The Department of Early Childhood Education, University of Thessaly, is in regular collaboration with a wide range of social, cultural and educational institutions, aiming to connect with the local, regional community, and also with the whole country. Its actions include undoubtedly the international effort for extroversion, which is fueled by the international research and academic action of the members of the Department. Moreover, the Department regularly organizes events, conferences, symposia, workshops, scientific meetings, book presentations, educational programmes and other activities either alone or in collaboration with other Departments of the University of Thessaly, as well as with other Departments of Greek and foreign universities. In addition, the Department of Early Childhood Education participates in the programme of the University of Thessaly, called “Open Days”, a five-day visit of senior high school and junior high school [Lyceum and Gymnasium] students, with the intention to promote their direct contact with the Higher Education Institution and the study programmes in all its Departments. In the context of this action, all interested schoolchildren are offered a complete and integrated information programme on the Department, and workshops are carried out.